

My email address is russell[dot]mark@gmx[dot]com

6 comments on “Contact

  1. gillian francis on said:

    It was made very clear in the change Over that if you weren’t registered With hcpc then you couldn’t display BSc Podiatry or in any way infer you were .
    The hcpc use bullying and intimidation as means of control and in many cases v capable podiatrist end up mentally or physically destroyed, whereas the ones under the radar continue to work offering poor service .
    Sadly other support is also missing and you are by default found guilty on reasonable doubt without the need for evidential proof.

  2. Ken Hall on said:

    Mark, I do feel for you I have been one the receiving end of the HCPC to however for something different, I whistleblew on my former employer. The HCPC in my view point are a complete Joke, I am sure they don’t know what they are doing and as for protecting the public I don’t think they know how to do this at all! I hope that you will get resolution to your problems but with the HCPC being unregulated and Unaccountable how is this a democratic safe body??

    • admin on said:

      They are certainly a dishonest bunch for sure, Ken. The fact that they have known all along that the legislation they function under is deficient and clearly puts the public at risk – is disgusting, considering “protecting the public” is their primary function. The HCPC may be a powerful organisation that acts with impunity and little scrutiny – but they most certainly are accountable. As they will discover shortly.

  3. Hannah B on said:

    Hi Mark
    Have you checked out the latest consultation on professional regulatory reform?
    I’m wondering how the professional, trades and industrial unions will respond
    Would be nice if they showed some spine and sent recommendations/templates and encouragement to members

  4. It looks like you’ve misspelled the word “Soor” on your website. I thought you would like to know :). Silly mistakes can ruin your site’s credibility. I’ve used a tool called in the past to keep mistakes off of my website.


    • Nope, sorry ‘soor’ is the Scottish spelling of’ sour’. It helps if you research thoroughly otherwise it damages your reputation when mistakes are revealed.

      Best wishes

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